Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How To Make A Homemade Coin

Dreams Have we changed or not? Thomas Gomez

A higher among whom I include myself, we are amazed sometimes, not always because we're used to it, the changes it has suffered or experienced our society in recent years, and sometimes think that way, or as we lived, life was better. Of course we would have to give up many conveniences and technological advances like this ......., media of the Internet.
But I wonder if it is necessary for us to be really enjoying these changes have had to suffer and endure such a negative shift on some issues that our society has.
I will not expound on this much hyped issue for us seniors, wanted only to a note of humor in this text that has come to my hands, smiled at us a bit with this in the background is very real, is not it?

changes in society between 1960 and 2010

Scenario 1 :

Albertito not sit still in class. Interrupts and annoys fellow .

Year 1960: Goes to the direction, is stopped 1 hour, get the director the "slap" and become "traquilito" to class.

Year 2010:
We derive the department of psychiatry, is diagnosed as hyperactive, psychiatrist prescribes Ritalyn. It becomes a zombie. Parents have handled a grant for a disabled child.

Scenario 2:

Luis break the glass of a car in the neighborhood.

Year 1960:
Her father takes off his shoe and gives it to her in the butt. A Luis and crosses in the head make another prank, grows normally, goes to college and becomes a professional.

Year 2010: Luis's father arrested for abuse. Condemn him to 2 years in prison and 5 years should refrain from seeing her child without the guidance of a father figure, Luis turns to drugs, commit crimes and is held in a special prison for teenagers.

Scenario 3

Joselito falls while running a race in the schoolyard, you scrape your knee. His teacher, Mary, finds him crying and hugs to comfort .

Year 1960:
Soon, John is feeling better and keep playing.

Year 2010:
Mary is accused of sexual abuse, faces three years in prison. Joselito spends five years of therapy in therapy. His parents claim to school by the teacher for negligence and psychological harm, winning both trials. Mary renunciation of teaching, go into severe depression and suicide ..

Scenario 4

School Discipline:

Year 1960: You made a big mess in class .. The teacher I got two good shouts. When you get home your father dealt a pair of cakes.

Year 2010
: You make trouble in class .. The teacher apologized to chide you and stays with guilt I did .. Your father goes to school to complain and report to the teacher, and to console you buy something.

Scenario 5

The end of the holiday.

Year 1960 : After being in an endless caravan of cars with the whole family stuck in an Asian shopping after 15 days of sunshine on the coast, are completed vacation. The next day he works and does not pass nothing.

Year 2010: After returning from Cancun, on a trip all-inclusive, you end the holidays and people suffer from the neglect syndrome, swine flu panic ....

And I wonder at what point we were so unhappy


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