In recent days, many countries have joined together to attack the foundations of the Libyan regime of Gaddafi. After several weeks of fighting in Libya, the international community has decided to take sides and intervene against the dictator Qaddafi.
Spain participated in their intervention with the backing of the majority of the Congress of Deputies. Not surprisingly, only three deputies (IU and BNG) voted against the presence of Spain in the war in Libya.
I am in favor of any war that serves to remove a dictator and establish democracy. I support this war in Libya (in fact, there should be acted long ago) and would be in favor of other wars to end dictatorships and are still in this world. We can not just leave to the Libyans and other peoples as their dictators crushed.
And now I would like to know your opinion. Are you in favor or against the war in Libya?; Does it seem adequate Spain's position on this issue?
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