Today dawned a gray, rainy day, those in which any person is sad, I do not, are days that I like, so despite all the work I started to transplant an orchid that I got, come with no land and must be put into an appropriate container. I love doing this task and the orchids are beautiful.
As he did came to my mind a story that has much to do with the person who gave me an orchid.
I meditated on the power that some people have to absorb their partner, to accomplish over the years to make his image and likeness. One of the comments of my last post, that of a good friend, blogger, said that as much as we want our partners we can not be ourselves, indeed, that is the case but not in all cases is achieved.
This is the story of two friends who were for many years, the friendship had long maintained that despite the husband of one of them is a very strange and in many people's opinion , among whom I include myself, is also selfish, acquisitive, absorbent, and I would say very rude of those people that when something bothers them are the typical fright leaving everyone in a very violent.
The friendship cooled, the other friend suddenly realized he did not identify with her, which included each day less and worse had lost the affection that united them, did not understand why this occurred, until one day he understood everything, dropped the band as they say.
Her friend was no longer the same, it was exactly like her husband, he had succeeded, he had made in His image and likeness.
I think one has to stop being as it is, but if it is captured by the other person, unless it is to be better not to the contrary, it is clear that the s bad things are easier to spread and spread, goodness is imitated little.
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